Parental Workshops We will continue to signpost our parents to a range of useful workshops, training programmes and support groups over the course of the year.
Transport If you have any transport queries or questions please contact EA Transport Helpline. All details are below!
Last call for tickets!! If you are planning to attend the Rathore School fundraiser on Saturday 25th June but haven’t picked up a ticket yet we would please ask you to contact school.
Congratulations A huge well done and congratulations to Helen and Jim who have recently completed a course to allow them to become Manual Handling Trainers for Rathore School.
End of year parent teacher meeting End of year parent teacher meetings will take place remotely on Thursday 16th June from 3.00 - 6.30pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your child’s successes throughout this academic year and receive an update on their progress.
Newry Feis success ! Congratulations to all Choirs who participated in the alternative singing class in Newry Feis especially our very own upper primary choir!
Speech and Language Therapy News There are a significant number of children and young people in our school who present with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
World Autism Week Get involved by saving and sharing the World Autism Awareness Week picture today and spread the important message 'Be Kind To Different Minds'.