Primary Department
Rathore Primary Department comprises of 12 classes which includes two multi-sensory specific groups following a multi-sensory curriculum. The other classes, J1 to J10, are grouped by age and follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum adapted to meet the ability levels of the pupils.
Learning and teaching across the department takes a topic approach with schemes of work being developed for each curricular area. From the schemes of work, mid term planners are developed by each teacher to meet the specific meets of their class.
A multi-disciplinary approach is promoted across the department and the therapy team work in partnership with classroom staff to ensure suitable programmes are in place for class groups and individual pupils as required.
The pupils across the department join together for assembly -Lower Primary Classes /Thursday , Upper Primary Classes /Friday -to celebrate the events of the week.
We have two multisensory classes in the Primary Department. In addition to their severe learning difficulties , pupils may have other significant difficulties , such as physical , sensory impairment or a medical condition .
The two Multi-sensory class provide a nurturing , holistic and child centred environment where the pupils have access to a carefully planned , highly differentiated and well resourced curriculum which is assessed using “Quest for Learning”, a bespoke assessment tool.